Sunday, March 7, 2021

A Lot of Reading

 I am not a great reader. I don't read particularly fast and I don't usually enjoy doing it especially for long periods of time. I don't mind reading bits and pieces here and there or reading in little spurts of time. With the paper I have to do a lot of reading on material that will be useful and some that will not be useful. That is the most frustrating thing for me. It's compounded by the readings I have to do with other classes as well so I have to be honest it's something I am struggling with but I'm also determined to getting through it and even learning from it. 

Work smarter not harder. That saying is something I say to myself and to other people but with this I'm not sure I know what working smarter looks like. I will do some research on that to see what hacks I could use for this paper and other classes. Anything can be found on youtube, it's a sea of information really. I appreciate any input that could help to, so please feel free.   

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