Sunday, March 7, 2021

Half Draft Criticism

 I had gotten some feedback from my half draft submission. It was all criticism and a couple of things that were not praises but things to do more of. I appreciate that regardless of what was said and it's not what you want to see or hear but it is useful. Over the weekend I've found myself in situations that have made me realize that I am not a sore loser and I take on criticism well. 

One of the things I got back was that I used "I" too much. I honestly do not even know what to do with that but I have to look at that and change it. I think the reason I don't know what to do with that is that I don't know why that is such a bad thing. even in this short writing assignment I'm conscious of it and I feel like I'm still using it too much. Adding that to the list of things I need to ask from the Writing Center. 


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